
Daring Words. High Flavanol Dark Chocolate and the Brain

Dark Chocolate Stimulates the Brain Is High flavanol dark chocolate and the brain an unlikely pair?   According to a new study in the ‘Journal of Hypertension 2012’ high flavanol dark chocolate helps boost the brain providing a glimmer of hope for our growing population of the elderly and brain related disorders like Alzheimer’s and […]

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Dark Chocolate Has Medicinal Properties

This is music to chocoholics ears….Dark chocolate has medicinal properties and what we know that has been reported is dark chocolate helps your heart health, promotes weight loss, helps keep blood sugars in diabetics stable and reduces the chance for diabetes, improves mood, improves cognitive function, helps to protect the skin from UV damage, promotes and increases energy levels and aids in reducing inflammation inside the body.

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Chronic Eye Disease, Oxidative Stress And The Use Of Antioxidants

Retinitis Pigmentosa is a vision stealing chronic illness that is grouped together with many other chronic eye diseases of the retina. Those individuals who have been diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa experience night vision loss in their adolescence years, then begin to begin to lose peripheral vision and later in life they lose central vision.

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