
5 key Takeaways of The Health Benefits of Raw Chocolate

Gum inflammation in health studies

have shown the link between these conditions inside the body and overall human health. There is a link between your oral health and heart disease but did you know that there is a link between it and cancer? Science continues to focus on it not only as it relates to your heart but your overall wellness. Before anyone can even begin to understand the implications they really need to wrap their head around what causes inflammation. The chain reaction is a real eye opener and hopefully one that is easily understandable.

Over the last few years as I have researched and reported what I have learned and have also observed that people generally do not put themselves in the ‘this is me or this going to happen to me’ category. We all feel invincible yet the scary reality is it can happen to all of us, but to what degree? The way you feel daily may give you an idea of how much inflammation you have or maybe you have noticed things happening to you that were not there before.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

This ‘not so new’ information linking your gums to cancer and needs to be revisited because there are more and more people being diagnosed with cancer each year. Cancer touches everyone in some way; a loved one or someone else close to us or maybe through a friend.

There are many causes of cancer. Some you may be aware of are from exposure to toxins in the environment, how food is grown to the foods we choose to eat. I’ve heard people say ‘I don’t care, I am going to eat this anyway because everything gives you cancer these days.’ The cold reality is cancer sucks and maybe by revisiting this information and bringing it to the surface, shedding new light on the topic will help people think and become a bit more proactive in their food choices because this is at least one area we do have control over.

Pancreas cancer is linked to inflammed gums and poor oral health.In 2007 Harvard reported that Pancreatic Cancer was the fourth leading cause of death. A quote from the publication states, ” “Our study provides the first strong evidence that periodontal disease may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

This finding is of significance as it may provide some new insights into the mechanism of this highly fatal disease,” said lead author Dominque Michaud, assistant professor of epidemiology at HSPH. Periodontal disease is caused by bacterial infection and inflammation of the gums that over time causes loss of bone that supports the teeth; tooth loss is a consequence of severe periodontal disease.

Chocolate is very high in phenolic phytochemicals that have been shown to help protect cell damage from oxidation and are a natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Dentists and doctors are beginning to understand the role that raw organic chocolate plays and have used it as a tool to help their patients along with a sensible diet and exercise.

Give yourself or someone you know the gift of health.

Chocolate is not ever going to be the magic bullet but when used in this fashion it sure is a step in the right direction and besides it’s an easy prescription because just about everyone loves chocolate.

It’s a beautiful thing to watch doctors and dentists embrace raw organic chocolate that becomes an additional tool helping them to help their patients. Total body health is key because everything is connected together some how and some way.

When is the last time you saw your dentist? Did your dentist tell discuss this with you? Did that information ‘stick’ or did it pass? Listen to your dentist because there is cutting edge information that is helping them work with you to keep you feeling good. It’s not just about fillings and crowns because your mouth is a direct portal to your heart. Inflammation is like the red carpet inviting disease. Be proactive so that you may never have that connection between gums and cancer.

In the USA


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Cancer and Chocolate

Dental Visit
Gum Disease

16 thoughts on “5 key Takeaways of The Health Benefits of Raw Chocolate”

  1. What a fascinating study! Thank you for posting this information. There is so much need for your expertise, Jean. People spend so much money repairing their teeth when a little prevention goes a long way!

    1. Thank you June. I find it fascinating that so many people assume chocolate = candy when in fact chocolate is very medicinal. We have all been taught that chocolate is bad for you, and that is only true if you consume candy with chocolate in it. Swap the bad for the good is an investment in your health while satisfying your sweet tooth 😉

  2. You always deliver on great content that is truly helpful, and beneficial for those striving to be healthy. You’re article so inspirational that even those who are to get back on track with becoming healthy can see this article as a great learning tool. Very insightful information that you’re sharing!

    1. Thank you Jason. I hope that this helps people to not place themselves in the ‘it won’t happen to me’ category. The best way to live is proactively. Look at what you put into your body and understand what it will do to you and for you.

  3. Hey Jean,

    I must say, wow, that’s another fascinating & informative post, as a fact, i didn’t know about the relation between oral health & heart disease and oral health & cancer. You research and studies has provided us with a deep insight of what its all about. i agree, some people think chocolate = candy, its common, if you ask anyone out there what chocolate is, all they will pronounce is brand name, that’s what they believe chocolate is, as fact is that real, raw, organic chocolate is so very medicinal.

    i completely agree when you say that chocolate is not a magic bullet, but it is a slow and gradual way of improving our health over the long term. if people consume raw organic chocolate over the period, they’ll surely see its benefits over the course.

    A heartfelt Thanks to you for sharing such amazing information with us, it is beneficial in so many many ways.

    Wishing you & all your loved ones a lovely day & a wonderful weekend ahead.


    1. Thank you Faizan. I so glad that I have been able to educate and that you know. It’s not just about chocolate it’s about an alternative way to help heal the body. Raw organic chocolate is God’s medicine 🙂

  4. Thank you Todd 🙂 If I can help people, then this article and all the others on my site are well worth the time and energy I have poured into it.

    1. Jenny thank you for stopping by and I am really happy to help others discover information that I have learned. Raw organic chocolate is really quite amazing. I love to see Wellness & Dental professionals embrace this whole clean food. It’s got to be one of the coolest tools they have available to them 😉

  5. This is my first visit to your blog. Inflammation is a very scary thing. It’s great to know that eating something most of us love can help with that.

    1. Hi Sharon thank you for stopping by and sharing. You are so right; inflammation is a very scary thing. It’s silent and deadly. You cannot get away from it but we can eat raw chocolate daily to help give our bodies the tools it needs to help calm the fire.

    1. ImmaChocoholic

      You are welcome! What is so very amazing is the power of raw organic chocolate. I love that I have been able to help dentists and doctors are embrace it, bringing it into their practices and helping their patients. When I first began introducing healthy chocolates to dentists they had to learn the difference between candy with chocolate in it and pure raw organic unprocessed chocolate. Once they understood, it put a whole new spin on the way they were able to help their patients 😉

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