Processed foods and Omega 3 fatty acid.

Depression And The Omega-3 Connection

The connection between the lack of Omega-3 Fatty Acid in a persons diet and Depression is strong. Reports point to growing evidence that people who lack Omega-3’s in their diets have a greater risk or may be currently experiencing some form of depression. Over the last century those who consume mostly foods from the Western Diet are most likely to experience some form of depression because Omega-6 fats outnumber Omega-3 fats by a ratio oProcessed foods and Omega 3 fatty acid.f up to 20:1. Too many Omega 6’s overrun and dominate any Omega 3’s in the body. The average intake of daily Omega-3’s from foods is approximately 130 mg per day yet it is recommended that we consume at least 600-650 mg a day by the international panel of lipid experts.

Omega-3’s play a critical role in cell development and the central nervous system. Without sufficient intake or feeding our brains what we need to keep everything in balance and working properly we continue to cause damage that you cannot see but may feel ‘sadness or worthlessness’. Clinical evidence through blood tests has shown that most patients who suffer from depression have very low Omega-3’s in their systems. When these patients were given Omega-3’s during studies there were significant noticeable improvements in mood and overall health which warrants further study and could be used as a possible treatment for individuals who may experience not only depression but who may be suffering from anorexia nervosa.

In conclusion, researchers are continuing to look at daily dietary intake of Omega-3’s and how we can get more of them into our bodies. Fish (wild caught Salmon and Sardines) are the most commonly known as a way to get Omega-3’s but not everyone eats fish or likes fishRaw organic dietary supplement is a source of Omega 3, 6 and 9. There is also the possibility of mercury poisoning in our water ways that may be present in fish. You could take a fish oil capsule but you also may not know how fresh it is, whether or not it is certified or it will even digest in your system. One option to consider is gourmet healthy chocolate dietary supplements.

Clinical research suggests that further studies should consider “the influence of zinc, selenium, folic acid and dietary antioxidant status to determine who may be a successful candidate for Omega-3 supplementation.” There is no doubt that these studies have shown positive benefits to mental health and overall well being from consumption of Omega-3’s that you must consider how to incorporate more Omega-3’s into your diet because our body does not make them.

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Source: Pub Med

2 thoughts on “Depression And The Omega-3 Connection”

  1. A really amazing, incredible & informative post. We hear & read so much about Omega-3, but so many times land up knowing half of the information that we need. Thank You so much for sharing it with us. Our nutrition & diet plays an important role in our daily day to day life & for the long term.
    I loved your post, a lot & i m looking forward to more wonderful posts in the near future :D!!

  2. Thank you for your comment 🙂 I am so glad you enjoyed and you are correct, there is so much information out there and it is hard to sift through it all. It is important for me to show everyone what science and the medical community have studied and tested. This will give everyone the knowledge to make better choices and why they need to make those choices. What I found very interesting during my research on this is that those who may take ‘fish oil capsules’ and taste it means that they are not fresh. How would anyone know anyway? Those supplements are just sitting on a shelf in a store. The beauty of healthy chocolate is let them melt in your mouth for immediate absorption and they taste great. A chocoholics dream that has come true!

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