chronic illness

Depression And The Omega-3 Connection

Clinical evidence through blood tests has shown that most patients who suffer from depression have very low Omega-3′s in their systems. The average person only receives 130mg per day but the recommended amount is 650mg per day. When you don’t give your brain the nutrients it needs to make healthy cells your entire system is at risk for many forms of depression.

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Chronic Eye Disease, Oxidative Stress And The Use Of Antioxidants

Retinitis Pigmentosa is a vision stealing chronic illness that is grouped together with many other chronic eye diseases of the retina. Those individuals who have been diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa experience night vision loss in their adolescence years, then begin to begin to lose peripheral vision and later in life they lose central vision.

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High Antioxidants And Weight Loss

Diets that are rich in fruits and vegetables, high antioxidants, help the body to neutralize oxidative stress and free radical damage to the cells in your body. Our bodies produce antioxidants naturally but as we age our bodies stop making their own and it is imperative that we get them from our diets. Without antioxidants the body endures continuous cell damage opening the door to chronic illness and other ‘age related’ diseases.

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