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unprocessed chocolate

Daring Words. High Flavanol Dark Chocolate and the Brain

Dark Chocolate Stimulates the Brain Is High flavanol dark chocolate and the brain an unlikely pair?   According to a new study in the ‘Journal of Hypertension 2012’ high flavanol dark chocolate helps boost the brain providing a glimmer of hope for our growing population of the elderly and brain related disorders like Alzheimer’s and […]

Antioxidants, Flavanoids And Human Health

There is sufficient evidence in the science and medical world showing that diets rich in phytochemicals contributes to the reduction of oxidative stress and free radical damage that leads to certain types of cancers, heart diseases and neurodgenerative diseases.

Chocolate Is Good For You

Did you know that chocolate contains several minerals and vitamins? Dark chocolate is higher in cacao content and contains magnesium which helps muscles relax, aids nerve conduction and energy production as well as bone and teeth development.

Dark Chocolate May Protect Brain Injury From Stroke

The study by Johns Hopkins gives hope to human stroke victims and preventing brain damage because it shows that epicatechin shields nerve cells. This research also shows promise to possibly protect against neurological degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and other age related disorders.