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high antioxidants

10 Reasons To Eat Dark Chocolate

10 Reasons To Eat Dark Chocolate! The world has always been having a universal love affair with chocolate and every now and then we find a way to justify eating it so we feel a little less guilty. It’s time to kick that guilt to the curb because chocolate is a natural medicine and regular […]

The Impact Flavanoids Has On Colon Cancer

What does the impact of flavanoids have on colon cancer?   Studies on flavanol dietary intake and the impact they have on colon cancer has been ongoing for years and the results could be considered a toolkit to preventing this disease. One study completed in 2009 showed that certain types of flavanols (quercetin, epicatechin, and catechin) […]

Dark Chocolate Is Good For Diabetics

A clinical study reported in Journal of Diabetic Medicine shows the difference between the good chocolate with high polyphenols (high flavanoids or plant based antioxidants) and bad chocolate with low polyphenols. Dark chocolate is good for diabetics.

Phytochemicals, Flavanoids, Chocolate And Cancer

The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) has been studying how chocolate may play a role in cancer prevention because of the natural occurring flavanoids that are present in cacao. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring chemicals found in plants and chocolate is very high in one phytochemical called flavanoids.

Breeze Through Menopause

The Western Diet is directly related to how women experience menopausal symptoms because it is high in fat and low in fiber. Cultures like the Japanese don’t even have a word for ‘hot flashes’ and studies have shown that their diets are rich in fiber and low in fat. You can breeze through menopause if you make changes to your diet.

Chocolate Is Good For You

Did you know that chocolate contains several minerals and vitamins? Dark chocolate is higher in cacao content and contains magnesium which helps muscles relax, aids nerve conduction and energy production as well as bone and teeth development.