Ancient Beauty Secrets – Chocolate Skin Makeover
Can chocolate help your skin? Well it seems that it really can if you select the right kind.
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Can chocolate help your skin? Well it seems that it really can if you select the right kind.
Raw, cold pressed Gourmet Healthy Chocolates contain many vitamins and minerals that are high in antioxidants as well as flavanoids. Exactly what makes gourmet healthy chocolate healthy, and what’s the big deal anyway? Learn just how healthy these chocolate are for you.
Prevention of oxidative stress and free radical damage to DNA is an area that science has been studying. One of the most harmful free radicals that exist in the human body is the ‘hydroxyl radical’. Left unattended this radical seeks and destroys cell tissue and molecules.
The International Journal of Medical Sciences reported that a ‘special cocoa’
used in studies suggest that the high flavanol content may have beneficial
benefits to vascular blood flow.